Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a technology for remembering information between web pages. Because of cookies your web browser can remember you are logged in to a web site, have put items in a shopping basket, have visited a site before, or what your personal preferences are. Most web sites use cookies of some sort, and have been doing so for many years.

In reality, a cookie is a small text file which is stored by the user’s web browser. The cookie only contains data, not code, so it can’t contain a virus or spyware. This doesn’t mean that all cookies are harmless in intent, but they can only ever store information.

See for more information about cookies.

What cookies do we use?

The cookies we use on the main Express Motor Factors web site are just “analytical” cookies. They allow us to recognise and count the number of site visitors and to see how these visitors move around the site when they’re using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works e.g. by making sure visitors are finding the information they need as easily as possible.

This site uses four Google Analytics cookies:


If you would like to know more about these cookies, please see the Google Analytics web site.

What about the Express Motor Factors Store?

The store also uses four Google Analytics cookies, the same as the main web site.

In addition it uses a number of other cookies to keep track of information such as whether or not a visitor is logged in and if a purchase has been made. Without these cookies it would not be possible for the store to operate and move purchases to the basket at checkout.

What about PayPal Checkout?

If you purchase from us using our PayPal checkout, you will be taken to the secure PayPal web site to complete the payment. This web site also uses cookies, and this is necessary in order to perform the transaction successfully.

For more information about the cookies used by PayPal, please see the “Privacy Policy” link at the foot of all PayPal web pages. Note that all communication between our site and PayPal is undettaken using secure encryption methods

Please feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions or concerns about our use of cookies.